Empowering Iranian Young Generation by Writing: Studying Empowerment in Arman Arian’s Resurrection Begins

Document Type : Research Papers


Shiraz University Centre for Children's Literature Studies


When it comes to words and writing, one cannot deny their power and the ideology they convey. And I think the situation is much graver when it comes to Children’s Literature, because of its addressee. Children and youngsters are the main target groups and because of them, it is the task of the (adult) writer to take heed of what s/he is trying to communicate to them. It is based on such presumptions that the idea of empowerment and empowering Children’s Literature emerges as significant. Therefore, any positive and creative message or idea in an oeuvre for children or young adults in Children’s Literature and Young Adult literature is counted as empowering and in order to make this idea more comprehensive, I have proposed a model for studying empowerment in fiction in my Ph.D. dissertation. The final goal of bringing up such a discussion is to demonstrate how the mediators of Children’s Literature shoulder the vital burden of empowering but not disempowering their audiences. Accordingly, in this paper, I study Arman Arian’s last novel, Resurrection Begins, in his trilogy Persians and I (1382-1384Š/2003-2005) and decide how Arian has been successful in empowering his audiences. At the end of the paper, I would put the empowering techniques together in order to form a model of empowerment for this novel. Such a reading can show the reader how diverse but possible empowerment can be. 


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